Twipstr :: Makes it more fun to update your Twitter status!

Well... There's a plenty of Twitter clients out there, I know.
Lot of them make it fun to read your Twitter stream.
But I had no luck to find one that makes it really fun to update your Twitter status.
That is why I decided to create Twipstr.
It's minimalistic, but it does its job well. And you'll love shortcuts!
Created for people who want to post tastefully ;)

BTW, Twipstr is cross-platform, so it will run on any modern operation system: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows...

If you’re running Ubuntu, it’s recommended to install Twipstr via PPA-repository using the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ki0n/software && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install twipstr

Otherwise, use one of the download options below.

DEB (Debian based Linux distros, e.g. Ubuntu)
JAR (Cross-Platform: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, etc. - put downloaded file into a folder of your choice and double-click it or run it using java -jar twipstr.jar command)

If you're updating from previous version and want to get new pictograms/emojis, go to settings and click "Reset symbols"!

NOTE: You must have Java installed to run Twipstr.
If you don't have it installed yet, you can download it from here.
(Installing via DEB package will resolve dependencies automatically though ;))